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Building a sustainable life isn’t simple. But it’s not as hard as the things you are already doing.


Three Things That Will Sustain You:


1) Your Skills as an Artist


You already have the skills you need to build a beautiful, sustainable life.


2) Community (and a Bit about Saviors)


Artists are connected to intricate and resilient webs of community. Our communities give us resources to grow and stability to fall back on.


Making a sustainable life means depending on your community, calling on your network, something many artist don’t do enough.


3) Your Mission


Every artist has a mission, a purpose bigger than yourself, a generosity. No one gets into this work for the money or status. Not for long, anyway. Artists begin with something to give to the world.


Sustainable means your life can work over the long term.

Building a sustainable life is political. You are committing to keeping your voice strong in our culture. Our culture needs you to make your most visionary work for as long as possible. The culture may not act that way by showering you with money and attention. But that’s what it needs.

I will sustain my artist practice by:


Mainitianing relationships with my peers and building a strong network of artists and potential collaborators


Actively seeking out new places to work and new ways to make work so as to not become static


Continuing to grow by professional skills in particular those that will assist me to acquire funding and run successful projects with a lasting legacy


Always making work and talk about it to attract new opportunities

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